Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just stopping in... say hi!

This is a busy week! Last night I did my first Craft Academy live video chat. There were some technical difficulties at first, but I had a lot of fun! I was really glad some people made it in :) [By the way, the 4th of July Party Packet is on sale! Only $10 for lots of fun stuff :D]

Today's list:
  1. Bid for a small freelance project *nervous*
  2. Prepare for Craft Academy video tutorials *organized*
  3. Interview for graphic design position at a local magazine *anxious*
  4. Record with Renée *fun*
  5. Make salsa for 4th of July parties *yum*
  6. Couch to 5K run *needed*
  7. Etsy Austin Stitch 'n' Bitch! *excited*
  8. Pack! *prepared*
The hubby and I are driving to visit my parents tomorrow in Fort Worth :) We're planning to stop in Waco (Texas Ranger Museum) and hopefully Dublin (mmm Dublin Dr. Pepper!!) on the way. Then Saturday we'll drive from their house to my sister's in Houston (she's having a party Saturday). And Sunday we'll come home to go to my in-laws' party (and maybe a couple others). *whew* It's gonna be a busy week!!

What are you up to?

1 comment:

  1. I wish could have seen me trying to log in last night and then frantically trying to remember what my log-in was... it was comical!! BUT I enjoyed the chat!!!! Looking forward to talking with you ladies more!!!!

    WOW you have a lot to do!!! Good luck with the interviews and have a safe trip!!!!
