Thursday, May 13, 2010

Job Hunt

Hello! I've been crazy busy lately. I've had all my normal stuff, plus I've been finally looking for a
I love working with kids, but I think it's time I head back toward graphic design. Every freelance and side project I do makes me realize that. But I also really need out of where I am now. They pushed me over my limit! Oh well. In the meantime, my kids are still adorrrable!
Anyway, last night I finally finished an application for a 6-month gig with the Texas School for the Deaf. State applications are ridiculously long! But I think it would be fun :) I also redesigned my website, but haven't coded it yet. (I may be stealing Alex to help me ^_^) I can't wait for it to be live! Hopefully next week. I'll let you know ;)

(images from weheartit)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I worked with kids in early childhood classrooms for 4 1/2 years. I loved being with the kids but I hated dealing with the whole business part of it. When I felt that things were more about the money and not the kids I stood up for myself and my class. That is when it got really bad for me. At that point I knew it was time to move on.

    Still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life but I feel like I'm getting closer to figuring it out. :)

    If you know in your heart that graphic design is what you need to be doing then I say go for it! You will be amazing!

  2. good luck in your job hunt! I have a few friends that work at the TX school for the blind and they love it.

  3. Good Luck!!!! I know how hard it can be to find the job that is just right for you and fits your passion! (I'll be doing that in AUGUST!)
